Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

ISAC information sharing groups (ISAC = Information Sharing and Analysis Centre) are cooperation bodies established for various sectors of cyber security. ISAC groups discuss confidentially cyber security matters, such as threats, phenomena and good practices. The groups also contribute to the development of cyber security in their sector and the society by, for example, carrying out risk analyses, conducting research and providing instructions.

The primary purpose of the ISACs is to share information and experiences in order to improve organisations’ and industries’ capacities to protect themselves against digital threats. A cyber threat encountered by one organisation today may be encountered by another one tomorrow. Open and timely information sharing mitigates the impacts and costs associated with the threats. Learning from other organisations is cost-effective as each organisation does not have to reinvent the solutions already used by others. The National Cyber Security Centre Finland uses the information produced by the ISAC groups to maintain a situational picture of national cyber security.

The members of the ISAC information sharing groups form an extensive national network that has an important role in the management of disruptions. In the event of disruptions, the groups and their members provide assistance to the network through their expertise, analysis resources, information sources and international connections. Cooperation in disruption situations is also practised regularly.

ISAC information sharing groups operate in the following sectors


You can request further information about ISAC activities by email at
