Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

This page presents the most common types of malware detected by our Autoreporter system during the most recent quarter.

Malware refers to malicious software. The concept includes computer worms, viruses, malware that downloads other types of malware, as well as spyware. Some of the malware detected by the National Cyber Security Centre Finland belongs to malware families, but malware can also be a part or a variant of other malware. The original malware may have changed often enough to have created completely new malware families of its own. Some criminal groups offer Malware-as-a-Service, and the infrastructure they offer runs several different types of malware.

This page presents the most common types of malware detected by our Autoreporter system during the most recent quarter.

What is the Autoreporter system?

We combat malware with the Autoreporter system in cooperation with telecommunications operators. The Autoreporter system receives information from nearly all around the world about malware traffic originating from Finland. The information is transmitted to the telecommunications operators that maintain subscriptions, which in turn notify their customers about the observations. In the statistics, we list 10 of the most common types of named malware detected by the Autoreporter system and reported to us.

This article is updated once per quarter.
