Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

The NCSA-FI is responsible for security matters related to the data transfer and handling of classified information in electronic communications. The services of NCSA-FI support organisations’ proactive security work and operational possibilities.

In Finland, the responsibility for our international information security obligations has been divided among several authorities. NCSA-FI is part of the Finnish security authority organisation. The overall responsibility for international information security obligations lies with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Ministry acts as the National Security Authority (NSA) in Finland. It is responsible for:

  • steering national operations
  • taking responsibility for the preparation of international security agreements
  • steering and monitoring activities to ensure that international classified information is protected and handled appropriately.

The Ministry of Defence, the Finnish Security Intelligence Service and the Defence Command Finland are Designated Security Authorities (DSA). We acts as a Designated Security Authority and as a National Communications Security Authority (NCSA), specializing in information security matters concerning the handling of classified information in electronic communications.

Main responsibilities

Contact information

PGP signing keys

NCSA-FI PGP keys are signed with the PGP keys below.
