Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

The National Coordination Centre builds and develops the national cyber security competence community. The community brings together key public, third and private sector operators with the aim of developing and supporting cooperation for the purpose of facilitating and improving cyber security research, development and innovation. The national competence community can be joined by companies, research and training organisations and authorities operating in the field of cyber security. 

We provide the members of our national competence community with:

  • up-to-date information about the development of cyber security in Finland and EU
  • help for applying for EU funding in the field of cyber security
  • opportunities to network with cyber security professionals working in different sectors of society in Finland and EU
  • support and channels for EU advocacy work
  • newsletter containing information from the above mentioned

The national competence community is open and free to join for all organisations interested in its operations. Participating in the community’s activities is voluntary.

For more information contact
