Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

The NCSC-FI Incident Response, NCSC-FI Advisory Signing Key, and NCSC-FI Newsfeed Signing Key in the National Cyber Security Centre’s CERT function are changing. The new keys are available on the Centre's website and on public key servers.

The National Cyber Security Centre will renew the common PGP key, NCSC-FI Advisory Signing Key and NCSC-FI Newsfeed Signing Key on 31 January 2024. The keys are valid until 31 January 2025.

The new Incident Response key ID is 0xDA86DE17 and the fingerprint is 7373 4EA5 79F4 167E F8E9 F05C 009B EF4D DA86 DE17.

The new Advisory Signing Key ID is 0xEA58C460 and the fingerprint is C784 C96D FC41 920D 6A90 7725 0004 D75D EA58 C460.

The new Newsfeed Signing Key ID is 0x18D78C99 and the fingerprint is 9BC1 0260 F4D8 6252 24C2 3D51 F9F1 E2CD 18D7 8C99.

The keys have been published on public key servers and on the National Cyber Security Centre website .

The ID for the outgoing Incident Response key is 0x0B702656​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and the fingerprint is 68E6 AE08 7D60 4E1B B7B0 77B1 B08A EB4C 0B70 2656.​​​​​​​

The ID for the outgoing Advisory Signing Key is 0x21D60C46​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and the fingerprint is 4EEB 3609 301D 22BE 690A DAE8 DD1D 004A 21D6 0C46.

The ID for the outgoing Newsfeed Signing Key is 0xDFA1704E​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and the fingerprint is 2206 614E 54EA D403 50BD BA6C 7075 603C DFA1 704E​​​​​​​.

Vulnerability summary

This summary provides information about newly released and critical information security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities are divided on the basis of severity and software/products. The summary is in English and it is sent daily. In order to receive the vulnerability summary by e-mail, please register for the CERT-FI-ALERT list.

In addition to the summary, individual vulnerability bulletins and security warnings are also sent to the CERT-FI-ALERT list if necessary.

News summary

The daily news summary contains recent information security news from Finland and around the world. The summary is compiled from several different sources in the National Cyber Security Centre’s Coordination Centre.


You can subscribe to the news and vulnerability summary in parts: Subscribe to newsletters  (in Finnish). The summaries are sent from ncsc-fi-newsbot (at) traficom (point) fi.

Please register separately for both lists if you would like to have a news and vulnerability summary sent to your e-mail.

Updated with data from 2023.

Updated with data from 2024.