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Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

This time, our anniversary recollections take us back to 2017 and 2018. Wannacry wormed its way through networks, and the City of Lahti IT services were in trouble. To look back on these events, we have invited Lasse Laukka, head of Product Security Operations at Ericsson, and Jarmo Lahtiranta, senior cyber security specialist at Insta Digital. Building and maintaining trust is at the core of cyber security officials’ work. And always remember page 863 of the Yle teletext service, an often forgotten but reliable source of cyber security news.

Sinisellä pohjalla tekstiä: Kyberturvallisuutta kellon ympäri. Cybersäkerhet dygnet runt. CERTI-FI 20