Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

If you would like to receive our alerts and vulnerability digest, subscribe to the CERT-FI-ALERT mailing list. A newsletter that summarises Finnish and international information security news is also available.

CERT-FI-ALERT and NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE are both one-way mailing lists, meaning that only we can send messages to their subscribers. All emails sent to subscribers are signed using our signing key for news and press releases.

Subscribe to our CERT-FI-ALERT alerts


Access your email account and create a new message

Send the message from the address to which you would like us to send the alerts.


Add a subject line

Type the following into the subject line:
CERT-FI-ALERT-listalle liittyminen


Add a recipient

Address the message to


Add your message

Type the following into the body of the email: SUBSCRIBE CERT-FI-ALERT First name Last name
Enter your first and last name into the body of the message as indicated.


Send the message

Send the message as instructed. You will receive a confirmation email.


Confirm your subscription

Reply to the confirmation email. Type the following into the body of the reply message: OK

Subscribe to the NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE newsletter

Our newsletter summarises Finnish and international information security news. You can subscribe to the NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE newsletter by sending us an email.

Subscribing to the NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE mailing list


Access your email account and create a new message

Send the message from the address to which you would like us to send the newsletter.


Add a subject line

Type the following into the subject line:
NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE-listalle liittyminen


Add a recipient

Address the email to


Add your message

Type the following into the body of the email: SUBSCRIBE NCSC-FI-UUTISKOOSTE First name Last name.
Enter your first and last name into the body of the message as indicated.


Send the message

Send the message to us. You will receive a confirmation email.


Confirm your subscription

Reply to the confirmation email. Type the following into the body of the reply message: OK
