Etusivu: Kyberturvallisuuskeskus
Etusivu: Kyberturvallisuuskeskus

National Coordination Centre (NCC-FI) organises International Brokerage event on Horizon and Digital Europe calls in Helsinki, Finland from 10th to 11th of September 2024.

Tapahtuman logokuvitus, jossa sinisellä taustalla keltainen värähtelevä kehä

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), hosting the National Coordination Centre of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC), North European Cybersecurity Cluster (NECC), Business Finland and University of Jyväskylä together welcome you to International Matchmaking Event on Cyber Calls from 10th to 11th of September 2024. The event is organized as an onsite event in Helsinki, Finland at Team Finland -house (Business Finland's headquarters). The event is free of charge.

The two-day event focuses on current DEP and Horizon Europe cyber calls. It will feature inspiring keynotes and panel discussions from industry experts, the opportunity for you to pitch your project ideas and hear project proposals from others, and offer many opportunities for networking and finding partners.

What:  International Brokerage event on upcoming Horizon and Digital Europe calls

Where: Team Finland -house, Helsinki, Finland

When: from 10th to 11th of September 2024

Please find the preliminary agenda of the event below. 

09:45Registration and coffee 
10:30Welcoming words 
10:45Word of the Host 

Jarkko Saarimäki

General Director, Traficom Finland


Kirsi Kokko

Head of Program, Digital Resilience, Business Finland


Keynote 1: What happens when Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence are combined?


Are we having technological miracles or destruction, new challenges and opportunities?

Inge Øystein Moen

Senior Advisor, NTNU


12:00Keynote 2: Quantum-Safe Journey - Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptography.

Suvi Lampila

SSH Fellow, SSH Communications Security

12:30Lunch and Networking Break 

Keynote 3: 5G Networks, what are the most significant technology challenges with 5G security?


How about if 5G is in use in critical infrastructure or Defense and Space

Silke Holtmanns

Telecommunication security expert, PwC Finland



14:15Keynote 4: How communities serve the future. What has been the role of ECCO in competence building and what needs to be in the future?

Luigi Rebuffi

Secretary General and founder of ECSO 

15:00Coffee and networking 

Keynote 5: “We are on the Burning platform”

What are the changes in the global cybersecurity and risk landscape? What is left on the markets for Europeans? How to make the change.

Juha Remes

Chairman, NECC

16:00Panel Discussion


Juha Remes (NECC)


Panel members: 

Inge Moen (NTNU), Luigi Rebuffi (ECSO), Suvi Lampila (SSH), Silke Holtsmann (PwC Finland), Pekka Jokinen (NCSC-FI)

17:15Closing word and conclusions 
19:00Networking dinner at Gillet Bar & Bistro (Kasarmikatu 23) 

Day 2: Brokerage Event (11.9.2024)

08:45Registration and coffee 
09:25WelcomeNECC & NCSC-FI
09:30Digital Europe calls

Tommaso Galli

Programme Officer, ECCC

10:00Horizon Europe calls 

Pauli Stigell

NCP, Business Finland

10:30Coffee and networking 
11:00Experiences and best practices

Alexey Kirichenko

Project Manager,

University of Jyväskylä

12:00Lunch and networking 
13:00Joint EU call collaboration sessionUniversity of Jyväskylä & Traficom
14:00Coffee and networking 

Joint EU call collaboration session & proposal presentations


Concluding words

University of Jyväskylä & Traficom
16.00End of the day 


Tervetuloa kansainväliseen brokerage-tapahtumaan Helsingissä 10.-11.9.2024!

Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom sekä sen alaisuudessa toimiva Kansallinen koordinointikeskus (NCC-FI) yhdessä kumppaniensa North European Cybersecurity Clusterin (NECC), Business Finlandin ja Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa toivottavat tervetulleeksi kansainväliseen kumppanuustapahtumaan kyberalan rahoitushakuihin liittyen. Tapahtuma järjestetään Helsingissä 10.-11.9.2024 Team Finland -talolla. Tapahtuman kansainvälisen luonteen vuoksi tapahtuman pääkieli on englanti. Tapahtuma on maksuton.

Kaksipäiväinen tapahtuma keskittyy ajankohtaisiin Digitaalinen Eurooppa (DEP)- sekä Horisontti Eurooppa -ohjelmien kyberalan hakuihin. Tapahtumassa kuullaan alan asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroja ja paneelikeskusteluja. Tapahtuma tarjoaa myös tilaisuuden esittää omia projekti-ideoitaan, kuulla muiden esityksiä, löytää kumppaneita sekä verkostoitua laajemminkin.

Mitä: Kansainvälinen brokerage-tapahtuma

Missä: Team Finland -talo, Helsinki

Milloin: 10.-11.9.2024
