Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Essential critical infrastructure operators and service providers must notify any security incidents in their network and information systems to the authorities.

Service description

Use this form to report a security incident referred to in the EU Network and Information Security Directive to the supervisory authority in your sector. You can also submit a voluntary notification on the incident to us (NCSC-FI).

Critical infrastructure providers and essential digital service providers are obliged to report security incidents to the supervisory authority in their sector.

The notification obligation applies to:

You can also submit a voluntary incident report to us (NCSC-FI) to receive our assistance and be able to resolve the incident and share information within a trust network.

We request official reports from the supervisory authorities once a year and provide them to the EU. The NCSC-FI coordinates national and international cooperation and acts as the single point of contact in Finland in information exchanges between EU countries.

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