On this page, you can find information on European cybersecurity certification schemes that have been completed or are being prepared.
What does a cybersecurity certification scheme mean?
A cybersecurity certification scheme includes more detailed requirements and operating procedures for different parties for obtaining, granting, maintaining and monitoring a cybersecurity certificate. They include e.g. references to standards applied to conformity assessments or other applicable cybersecurity requirements, rules and mechanisms for conformity assessment, the assurance levels permitted by the certification scheme and the evaluation methods used, possible additional requirements for conformity assessment bodies as well as rules related to the validity of the certificate.
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA initiates the creation of a certification scheme for a certain scope of application upon the Commission’s request. The certification scheme and the related documents are developed with the help of various working groups as well as comments received from interest groups.
You can find further information on the certification scheme development process and how to influence the development of certification schemes on ENISA’s website.