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Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

The Tietoturva 2023 information security seminar was held on Thursday 12 October 2023 in Helsinki and online. The theme of this year’s seminar was the future of cyber security and threats. Some of the most frequently highlighted topics in the seminar presentations included AI and supply chains.

Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne opens the event

It all starts with people

The event was opened by Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne, who called for the prioritisation of security in the introduction of new technology. In her opening speech, Ranne also emphasised that information security is something that concerns all of us. People’s role in maintaining information security was also stressed by the event’s first keynote speaker Connie McIntosh from Ericsson and Petteri Hallikainen from Avanade, who reminded us that it all starts with people. Human errors are a significant cause behind information security incidents, which is why good information security practices should be as simple as possible.

AI and supply chains provoked discussion

Several speakers highlighted the significance of AI and supply chains in information security. For example, Juhani Eronen, Chief Adviser at Traficom’s National Cyber Security Centre, spoke about secure software development and emphasised that it is important to apply the same information security practices to every aspect of supply chains. Everyone, from coders to project managers, should contribute to the maintenance of information security. Marko Leponen from the National Bureau of Investigation also mentioned supply chains in his speech about cyber crime threats. According to Leponen, all operators should identify their own position in relation to others.

When talking about the future of cyber security and potential threats, it was impossible to ignore the impact of AI. The topic was addressed in particular by Samuel Marchal from WithSecure and Benjamin Delhomme from NATO StratCom CoE. Marchal underlined that AI can bring about novel attack techniques. Marchal named the increasing of awareness of AI technology and the regulation of AI availability and technology as important measures to prepare for AI-related cyber crime.

Seminaarin puhuja kuvattuna lavalla esiintyessään niin, että seminaarin logo näkyy taustalla
Petteri Hallikainen from Avanade

Cyber-secure society through cooperation

The final speaker of the event was Matthew Cronin from the US Congress, who gave the second keynote speech. Cronin discussed the national cyber security strategy of the United States. In his speech, Cronin stressed that information security measures should not only be reactive but also proactive. Everything is connected to the Internet in our society. Thus, cooperation between national operators, business people and civil society is essential to building a secure society.

In their closing speech, Director-General of Traficom Kirsi Karlamaa and Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Supply Agency Janne Känkänen pointed out that the preparation for and management of threats we will be facing in the future require extensive cooperation. Understanding and preparing for change by upgrading skills and securing resources can help us face the change. All in all, Karlamaa and Känkänen emphasised that information security work is extremely important for the security of supply.