Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

‘Quishing’ is phishing carried out using a QR code. The victim is lured to scan a QR code with their smartphone or tablet. QR codes are easy to open using a smartphone or tablet due to their built-in camera made to recognise a QR code.

Criminals can create an authentic-looking QR code and use it to advertise special offers or prompt the user to accept an urgent information security update. Criminals distribute the QR codes via email, social media, and even physical flyers and stickers. The ‘quishing’ messages aim to create a feeling of urgency just like other phishing messages, but they lack the familiar links and attachments.

We have published an extensive article explaining what can happen if you have scanned a harmful QR code, and what you should do after scanning the code.

The original article was published on 6 July 2023 in Finnish. (External link)