Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

The National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI) at the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has created Kybermittari, a tool that helps corporate management face cyber risks and safeguard the continuity of business operations.

Interdependencies make cross-sectoral cooperation and understanding a necessity

The functions of organisations and of society at large depend on digital services and systems. Meanwhile, digital operating environments face a growing number of cyber threats and incidents, with interdependence dynamics making operational interruptions increasingly likely. Effective preparation requires comprehensive cooperation and understanding of other fields of activity. Ultimately, the cybersecurity of the country as a whole is at stake.

“Cyber attacks can even permanently interrupt the operations of a business or other organisation, or reveal sensitive information. Information security is not simply a technological challenge, but belongs on the agenda of corporations’ top management, boards, and owners. It should be considered a centrally important factor in how businesses manage risk and how they assume their responsibilities with regard to their customers”, said Kalle Luukkainen, Deputy Director-General at the NCSC-FI.

Kybermittari helps put cyber threat preparedness on corporate managers’ agenda

With the publication of Kybermittari, managers now have a tool that lets them monitor the maturity of crucial cybersecurity capabilities by target level and area of activity. The model shows current capability levels with regard to a number of factors related to cyber risks, namely identification, protection, observation, reaction and recovery. It also helps organisations measure maturity levels related to the management of supply chains and external dependencies. In addition, the model provides corporate management with benchmark data by which the organisation can compare its preparedness levels with average values within the same sector. 

“According to our recent research, those organisations in which management steers the development of cybersecurity capabilities are the best prepared for cyber attacks and most likely to weather them well. In this light, it is important that an organisation's cyber strategy be incorporated into its overall strategy. Kybermittari provides organisations with a way to apply this thinking in a concrete way”, said Jarna Hartikainen, Business Continuity Manager at the National Emergency Supply Agency.

Towards a strong and united front against cyber threats

NCSC-FI Deputy Director-General Kalle Luukkainen hopes that Kybermittari will be adopted by as many businesses and organisations as possible.

“We have seen that in our digital world, interdependencies between the various actors expose the continuity of business operations to cyber threats and the interruptions that they can bring about. Even if a cyber attack does not target a particular organisation directly, it may still be impacted along with a partner organisation. We need to work on a broad front to build seamless cybersecurity capabilities within and across different sectors of activity. This is a decidedly shared challenge”, Lukkainen added.

Kybermittari pilot features wide range of organisations and businesses

Tailored to the needs of businesses and organisations operating in Finland, Kybermittari is based on international models for measuring cybersecurity capabilities. The piloting and development phases have seen NCSC-FI and the National Emergency Supply Agency partner with a number of organisations, corporations, experts and authorities working with critical infrastructure questions.

Kybermittari is available in Finnish and Swedish.

For more information, see (External link) (page available in Finnish and Swedish).


Kalle Luukkainen, Deputy Director-General, NCSC-FI, tel. +358 29 539 0515, kalle.luukkainen(at)

Harri Koivunen, Senior Specialist, NCSC-FI, tel. +358 29 539 0340, harri.koivunen(at)

Jarna Hartikainen, Business Continuity Manager, National Emergency Supply Agency, tel. +358 40 554 0686, jarna.hartikainen(at)