Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

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The name malware refers to many kinds of worms and viruses, as well as spyware and ransomware. Criminals are constantly making up new ways to infect devices with malware and hide their harmfulness. Malware may be difficult to detect before infection.

One way to spread malware is to make it appear like valid and real software on the surface. Criminals often make their malware appear like an antivirus software. This is an efficient method, as antivirus software is widely used. Not all users will examine the product or wish to pay for it, and some may download a pirated version, for example. In both situations, the actual software may be either a real and legal software which has been edited, or a false version created for the purpose. The software may be anything but what it is claimed to be, and the user may end up downloading malware on their device. 

The original article was published on 12 July 2023 in Finnish.  (External link)