Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

Consultant and military professor (retired) Mika Hyytiäinen wants to draw attention to the importance of information operations and cooperation in the context of cyber security. In the most recent TIETO20 cyber security exercise, professor Hyytiäinen served as the leader of the red team's information environment. The task of the red team is to challenge the players participating in the exercise by producing inputs to which they must respond. The red team typically consists of the organisers of the exercise or technical specialists invited by them.

Osallistujia tietokoneidensa ääressä TIETO20-harjoituksessa.
Over 300 participants of the TIETO20 exercise comprised critical infrastructure providers, authorities and representatives of the media. Image: Jussi-Pekka Aukia