Information security now!
October will see cybersecurity take centre stage as the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) will be upon us once again. The European Union's annual campaign is meant for us all, and will feature prominently on Traficom's website and social media channels. Let’s make sure we all have the skills to stay secure online!

This year's campaign focuses on two themes, cyber scams and cyber skills. The official motto of ECSM 2020 is “Think Before U Click” (#ThinkB4UClick).
This is your chance to learn about internet scams and how to protect yourself against them.
Brush up on your digital skills
The importance of good cybersecurity skills goes beyond information technology. Not only will the necessary skills allow you to stay secure while using your smart devices, they will also arm you with an understanding of internet etiquette and a healthy critical eye toward online content. Moreover, those with good cybersecurity skills understand that their conduct online has an impact beyond the digital world.
By making sure we behave with compassion, we can all leave a positive internet footprint. In this regard, it is also important to take a moment to think before clicking on a link or posting a comment.
Children and seniors are likely to make the best progress when learning digital skills together with a relative or loved one in a safe environment. Talk and think about cybersecurity questions together, and you will be an expert before you know it!
The ECSM on our website and social media channels
We will be posting videos and infographics on the two ECSM themes on our campaign pages and social media channels on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Follow us in mainly on Twitter and Fcebook using the hashtags #CyberSecMonth, #ThinkB4UClick and #kyberturvallisuuskuukausi.
Learn more about cybersecurity activities around Europe at (External link)
What is the ECSM?
The European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the European Union’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information.