Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

It is time for a small pre-party to prepare for the celebration of the upcoming 20th anniversary of our CERT-FI operations at the turn of the year. Working to ensure information security in Finland, the Finnish Computer Emergency Response Team has reached the age of a young adult. Our current Coordination Centre, incident response activities and expertise in information security matters have their origins in the CERT-FI function. Our nostalgic series of articles will take us back in time, highlighting moments along CERT-FI's journey from 2001 to today. In the first article, the Timo Lehtimäki, Jani Arnell and Kauto Huopio look back on the early years of CERT-FI.

Sinisellä pohjalla tekstiä: Kyberturvallisuutta kellon ympäri. Cybersäkerhet dygnet runt. CERTI-FI 20