Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

There is a lot of discussion about AI and its utilization in promoting cybersecurity. Already today, different industries are using different AI-based cybersecurity solutions. Where are we currently in the development and use of solutions? What kind of developments can be seen in the future? In general, what are the possibilities of AI in improving cybersecurity?

Among other things, these questions are examined in the new report by Traficom and the National Emergency Supply Agency on AI-based cybersecurity solutions. 

In addition to an overview of the situation and an assessment of future developments, the report gives practical guidance on the successful process of developing an AI application and its worst pitfalls. With the help of the report, organisations are able to improve their own understanding and know-how of using AI to improve their cybersecurity. 

AI can strengthen the capabilities of companies and organisations that are critical for security of supply 

Currently, AI is widely used, for example, in spam filtering, malware detection, and intrusion detection. AI has increased the automation, speed, scalability, and adaptability of cybersecurity solutions. 

In organisations, the best benefits are obtained by aligning AI solutions with business objectives. Successful application is promoted if organisations maintain and strengthen competence, especially in the fields of data, AI and information security.

“The report shows that with the technological developments achieved in AI, AI has the potential to further strengthen the cybersecurity of Finnish companies and organisations that are critical for security of supply. It is important that we proactively build a common understanding of the risks and opportunities created by developing technologies. With the help of the now published and previous reports, we have created an overall picture of the relationship between AI and cybersecurity from the perspectives of the actor, attacker and defender who utilize AI. ", says Digital Security 2030 programme leader Juha Ilkka from the National Emergency Supply Agency. 

The technological development of AI requires versatile skills

The results of the report show that the successful use of AI in cybersecurity requires cross-competency. Organisations should carefully evaluate the applicability of AI-based solutions to critical use cases. The cybersecurity of the future requires an even deeper understanding and know-how of various technologies and their development. 

The proliferation of new AI technologies, such as Large Language Models, offers significant opportunities for the development of cybersecurity applications. These technologies can be utilized in, for example, security education, analytics and threat intelligence. AI technologies contribute to the efficient processing of large amounts of data and the identification of connections.

There is a need for AI-based solutions, because in the future AI can offer attackers an unprecedented ability to speed up and automate their operations. As attackers adopt increasingly sophisticated tools, defenders must also take full advantage of technological advances.

“Recent observations show that, for example, the number of complex, fast and large-scale cyberattacks has increased and the exploitation of vulnerabilities has accelerated, and in the future AI will be increasingly utilized by the attackers. AI creates new opportunities for attackers, which is why defenders must be able to react to the changing threat environment. The reports have also probed the most likely future trends, which promotes cybersecurity in society as a whole.” states Traficom’s Technology and Strategy leader Kirsi Karlamaa