Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has worked with other public authorities and organisations to create the website, which houses all the information relevant to helping the victims of the data breach targeting psychotherapy centre Vastaamo. The site provides advice on the steps victims should take and lists the details of organisations they can contact for assistance.

“In this concerning situation, the need arose to make up-to-date information available in a single place. Over the weekend, we collaborated with other authorities and organisations to create the website, which victims of the breach can visit for help and advice on protecting their personal data. We hope that the site is useful to them in this difficult situation”, says Traficom Director-General Kirsi Karlamaa.

Currently, the contact details for the following organisations can be found on the site: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira), the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, Mieli ry, Victim Support Finland, the National Bureau of Investigation, the Finnish Red Cross, the telephone hotline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. The site is constantly updated and will be available in Finnish, Swedish and English. (Webbplatsen finns på finska - vi öppnar webbplatsen på svenska så snart som möjligt.)  (External link)


Miikka Salonen, Head of Unit, miikka.salonen(at), tel. +358 29 539 0665. Twitter: @miisalonen  (External link)