Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

The near future looks bleak for information security, says a new NCSC-FI forecast. While the Vastaamo data breach turned the spotlight on questions of security and responsibility in the context of online services, this year will likely see more incidents. Many organisations are placing a growing emphasis on information security when building their online services, and regulators are looking to increase stability. Despite these measures, we are unlikely to completely avoid scams or cyber attacks.

Our cyber security forecast for 2021 is based on a collective assessment made by our experts and cooperation networks. The forecast is part of our Information Security in 2020 report, which is scheduled for publication in February.

1. We will continue to witness unfortunate cyber incidents in 2021

2. More regulation, more stability

3. Differentiating between authentic and fake will become increasingly difficult

4. Much more time is needed until available know-how matches up to the challenges we face

5. Criminals will use cyber attacks to accumulate virtual currency

6. Remote work is here to stay, and so are the attendant risks

7. The competition for quantum-proof encryption will intensify

8. Fiercer competition among technological superpowers

9. State-level cyber influence operations will continue to become more numerous

10. Cyber security will finally feature on the agenda of top management

What cyber developments are you expecting in 2021? Share your thoughts on our social media channels.

The original article was published on 20.01.2021 in Finnish.